這兩年擔任PM的工作 應該是進MOXA這幾年來 難度最高的一次
PM思考的邏輯 以及PM應該有的知識
我通通都缺乏 但是工作並不會因為我的不足而停下來
業務要負責去拜訪客戶開發市場 協助傳遞價值
以前總不懂 PM為何如此豬頭 怎麼這個也想一半 另外一個想一半
這邊斷手 那邊缺腳的 就是不能完美的作一個產品
真正當了PM才知道 PM怎麼可能懂這麼多
但是 時間沒有等我 我得把產品規格開出來給RD
甚至 RD對規格有疑慮 我還得說明清楚為什麼我這麼想
剛開始 我四處尋求支援 在眾家兄弟的力挺中
然後我又回到了原點 原因是 我的產品線所缺少的產品
在不斷開發的過程中 知識不是累積的 全部從新開始
我讀IC的規格書 一條一條畫線
我的時間極其有限 我實在挪不出更多時間來做其他事情
我覺得很苦很累 可是這都沒有人可以幫忙
讀那些文件 沒有人可以幫忙我讀 我不懂的 可以找到人問
但是資訊不會有人幫我整理 要靠自己塞進腦袋裡
這段時間 真的很累
老闆問我時間還要多久 我實在答不出來 因為我有很多的問題
我實在沒有答案 也甚至不知道要怎麼找答案
可是到最後 我卻是那個必須給答案的人
謝謝逸峰 沒有你的建言 我就不會跳入這個鱷魚潭 呵呵
謝謝筱雲跟信琪 沒有你們的支持 我沒有機會跳入這個鱷魚潭
謝謝旭正 沒有你的教導 我對於RS485的知識不會累積這麼迅速
謝謝芒果 沒有你的陪伴跟支持 我有一堆NPDP流程以及跟後段製造部門的資訊都不知道該怎麼處理
謝謝泳聰 我知道你很辛苦 對於一個不熟的產品一次還要扛兩個大專案跟一堆雜事
謝謝嘉良 沒有你的幫忙 產品不會一個一個順利開出來 甚至到最後 你是一個人扛下我三個產品的開發案
謝謝啟仁 常常得去麻煩你去把歷史記憶給翻出來
謝謝岱玲 常常得為了這個單位做許多鳥事
謝謝那些默默幫我的助工們 順順利利的完成許多測試
謝謝政易 在這最後的三個產品裡 跟很盧的原廠溝通這麼久
謝謝躍輝 給我最大的空間跟時間 並且協助我盯住專案的進度
謝謝志雄 文欽跟Mini 給予機構上的支持
謝謝金地 米漿 語霈 靜宜 強哥 承翰 希聖 元瑭 CC 你們幫我把產品給生了出來
謝謝艾易的好朋友們 老是去麻煩你們 真的不好意思
謝謝基金會的好朋友 在我壓力大的時候 跑去哭的時候你們沒有來開門吵我 並且是我一路上的開心果
謝謝那些被我冷落的家人跟朋友 很抱歉這段時間 真的壓力超大 (頭髮也掉得超快) 沒能陪伴你們 因為我光是搞定我自己 就已經快沒力了
還有很多很多我沒有提到名字的朋友 你們都幫了我很大的忙 真的謝謝你們了啦!!!
IMC-101-JP, ICF-1150, TRC-190, TCF-142-RM 是在我任內開發出來的產品
還有三個孩子 我還來不及幫他們生出來就得離開了
就靠芒果 嘉良 政易 跟躍輝了
謝謝大家 我去當業務了 我會把PM的邏輯傳給RSM 協助他們以更包容的心來面對一切
我們是個團隊!!! 一起努力吧!!
31 Aug 2009
Job rotation in every 2 years
Review the past 8 years, there are 4 times of job rotation.
When I applied the job to Moxa, I asked to be the sales for international business. In the interview with Michael, he told me that he expected I could be the sales for Taiwan market for some time then he will arrange my transferring.
In the first 2 years, I won several big tenders in telecom market. And I was the the global record keeper on selling some special products including terminal severs and remote power control units.
Then Michale didn't forget his commitment. He passed his message to John Lin, the GM of Moxa at that time. And I got a chance to be promoted to be RSM of Europe. That changed my life a lot. With the experience of working with European, I started to open my eyes and have a more open attitude to look at myself. I thought that I should work very hard to help my family rich before. After being a RSM of Europe, I started to slow down my tempo. I started to think about the balance of my life.
With 2 years more working with European market, then Moxa has a reorganization and I was trasferred to be the Business Development Manager of the biggest product line, device server, we called it DN. But that was not a very happy experience because I was used to talk to channels directly and visit customer directly. I am not used to stay behind of branch office and try to find a way to co-operate with people and make things happened. I didn't know what's the co-operation before.
I was stuck there for 2 years and had a chance to go to Asiaworks which is a training center that gave me the power and reborn. Also, I need to thank Andy Cheng, without him, I already left Moxa.
The 2 years in DN, even I am not happy and feel suffered, it helped me to know how the production department work since I had many misunderstanding before.
Then 2 years ago, Moxa had another time of reforming. Bee Lee, one of my best friends, he suggested that I can take the chance to transfer to be a Product Manager.
After considering of his suggestion, I decide to convince my boss to see if I can handle this new challenge. So I went to Sure-En, and thank him to giving me this chance to be a PM.
This is absolutely a new challenge and maybe is the highest one so far. The way of PM thinking is totally different from a sales person. In the past, I thought it should be easy and wondering why our PM and RD always need to take such a long time to satisfy customers' demand. After being a PM, I realize that the resource is so tight and to utilize the resource well is to help this company grow and make profit. Then I understand why the PM always moved so slow.
During this 2 years, I feel helpless and frustrated quite often. No one can help me to go through it all the time. But I must thank that there are many mentors and senior PM in Moxa help to guide me and lead me go through the darkness. I was not alone even I still feel longly sometime. But I still make products one by one. I work very hard, I study hardware knowledge and regulatory standard. I work with hardware engineers and win their friendship. Journey Wei, Mango you, and Casper Yang, are the people always stay by my side to give me direction and solution all the time. Ray Hsu, Leon, Johnny, Bee, Stephen, Stanley, Zico, Vincent Liu, Tommy, Nick, Andy Chang, CP, and many friends that I cannot mention one by one. Without you, I cannot work through the past 2 years. Every time think of you guys, I can feel tears in my eyes.
Recently, I got another chance to go back to be a sales. Product is not big, on the contrary, very tiny. And we are the late comer. I dreamed about this product to be available 4 years ago. Now I have a new chance to sell it. I want it to become success and I believe I can make it. I sell MiiNePort, and the product manager of this product is a charming, handsome and very smart guy which is amazing. Several days ago, I need his help to call a customer. I try to write down some notes for him and when he phoned, I put down some other questions on the note according to his react to customer. I am afraid that the time is so short to write the question completely so I can only give a brief. But believe it or not, he is really a person has talent of understanding people. He even knows my intention of asking that question and gave a perfect question to customer. It's very happy to work with a smart guy. I really mean it!
Comparing with PM work, I suddenly feel it's easier for me to be a sales. :-)
When I applied the job to Moxa, I asked to be the sales for international business. In the interview with Michael, he told me that he expected I could be the sales for Taiwan market for some time then he will arrange my transferring.
In the first 2 years, I won several big tenders in telecom market. And I was the the global record keeper on selling some special products including terminal severs and remote power control units.
Then Michale didn't forget his commitment. He passed his message to John Lin, the GM of Moxa at that time. And I got a chance to be promoted to be RSM of Europe. That changed my life a lot. With the experience of working with European, I started to open my eyes and have a more open attitude to look at myself. I thought that I should work very hard to help my family rich before. After being a RSM of Europe, I started to slow down my tempo. I started to think about the balance of my life.
With 2 years more working with European market, then Moxa has a reorganization and I was trasferred to be the Business Development Manager of the biggest product line, device server, we called it DN. But that was not a very happy experience because I was used to talk to channels directly and visit customer directly. I am not used to stay behind of branch office and try to find a way to co-operate with people and make things happened. I didn't know what's the co-operation before.
I was stuck there for 2 years and had a chance to go to Asiaworks which is a training center that gave me the power and reborn. Also, I need to thank Andy Cheng, without him, I already left Moxa.
The 2 years in DN, even I am not happy and feel suffered, it helped me to know how the production department work since I had many misunderstanding before.
Then 2 years ago, Moxa had another time of reforming. Bee Lee, one of my best friends, he suggested that I can take the chance to transfer to be a Product Manager.
After considering of his suggestion, I decide to convince my boss to see if I can handle this new challenge. So I went to Sure-En, and thank him to giving me this chance to be a PM.
This is absolutely a new challenge and maybe is the highest one so far. The way of PM thinking is totally different from a sales person. In the past, I thought it should be easy and wondering why our PM and RD always need to take such a long time to satisfy customers' demand. After being a PM, I realize that the resource is so tight and to utilize the resource well is to help this company grow and make profit. Then I understand why the PM always moved so slow.
During this 2 years, I feel helpless and frustrated quite often. No one can help me to go through it all the time. But I must thank that there are many mentors and senior PM in Moxa help to guide me and lead me go through the darkness. I was not alone even I still feel longly sometime. But I still make products one by one. I work very hard, I study hardware knowledge and regulatory standard. I work with hardware engineers and win their friendship. Journey Wei, Mango you, and Casper Yang, are the people always stay by my side to give me direction and solution all the time. Ray Hsu, Leon, Johnny, Bee, Stephen, Stanley, Zico, Vincent Liu, Tommy, Nick, Andy Chang, CP, and many friends that I cannot mention one by one. Without you, I cannot work through the past 2 years. Every time think of you guys, I can feel tears in my eyes.
Recently, I got another chance to go back to be a sales. Product is not big, on the contrary, very tiny. And we are the late comer. I dreamed about this product to be available 4 years ago. Now I have a new chance to sell it. I want it to become success and I believe I can make it. I sell MiiNePort, and the product manager of this product is a charming, handsome and very smart guy which is amazing. Several days ago, I need his help to call a customer. I try to write down some notes for him and when he phoned, I put down some other questions on the note according to his react to customer. I am afraid that the time is so short to write the question completely so I can only give a brief. But believe it or not, he is really a person has talent of understanding people. He even knows my intention of asking that question and gave a perfect question to customer. It's very happy to work with a smart guy. I really mean it!
Comparing with PM work, I suddenly feel it's easier for me to be a sales. :-)
7 Aug 2009
上個禮拜,Sando 拿給我Vicky and Pinky 的近作,亞洲慢慢行。我翻開第一頁,我就對他們再次起了很大的敬意,但是在這同時,我突然有了一個新的想法。 Vicky & Pinky 他們兩個用生命,用單車,遊歷了全世界。交了許多朋友,也嘗試了許多一般人沒有嘗試過的生活方式。除了外在的表向外,他們的內心的經歷,以及他們對於生命的領悟與熱情,更是讓一般人感動的。
看著Vicky 跟Pinky的生活與我們不同,所以我們羨慕,我們覺得他們了不起。
我也嘉許你,做得很棒! 也請你繼續加油!認真的過每一天!
上個禮拜,Sando 拿給我Vicky and Pinky 的近作,亞洲慢慢行。我翻開第一頁,我就對他們再次起了很大的敬意,但是在這同時,我突然有了一個新的想法。 Vicky & Pinky 他們兩個用生命,用單車,遊歷了全世界。交了許多朋友,也嘗試了許多一般人沒有嘗試過的生活方式。除了外在的表向外,他們的內心的經歷,以及他們對於生命的領悟與熱情,更是讓一般人感動的。
看著Vicky 跟Pinky的生活與我們不同,所以我們羨慕,我們覺得他們了不起。
我也嘉許你,做得很棒! 也請你繼續加油!認真的過每一天!
We are all very brave in our life
Without knowing Vicky and Pinky, I guess, the seed of riding a bike to have a tour around Taiwan will not happen in my life. Recently, Sando lend me a book which is written by Vicky and Pinky. The book is named "Slow travel in Okinawa & Kyushu". I don't know how will they translate the name of the book. But if we say it directly, then I will say "To move slowly in Asia".
After reading several pages, I found that these 2 girls who are very brave. Most of people will agree what I say. They are very brave and they are pushing their life to a new level time to time. Just when I have this mind, there is another thought just came into my head. Each person in the world is also very brave too. Vicky and Pinky are brave because they use different life style and do something that we don't do it. But the same, every people in the world is different and use his own way to live. Do his best to survive and grow. Why we didn't recognize ourselves? Why we will only do something very special then we say it's a new challenge and we say we give our life with a new mark and feel proud of it. But the day we live today is also very different from yesterday or tomorrow. Because at every moment, our body is changing. We are getting older. We need to use much more effort to keep ourselves with same performance as yesterday.
We don't really need special award to recognize ourselves. Because we are born to be unique and born to be very perfect. Our life is perfect even though there are many not perfect parts but there is no way to change it and make it better. So every thing happened on me is in the best condition. And if I can pass all the test in my life till today, then I am very brave and I deserve to get recognition and acknowledge from myself.
After reading several pages, I found that these 2 girls who are very brave. Most of people will agree what I say. They are very brave and they are pushing their life to a new level time to time. Just when I have this mind, there is another thought just came into my head. Each person in the world is also very brave too. Vicky and Pinky are brave because they use different life style and do something that we don't do it. But the same, every people in the world is different and use his own way to live. Do his best to survive and grow. Why we didn't recognize ourselves? Why we will only do something very special then we say it's a new challenge and we say we give our life with a new mark and feel proud of it. But the day we live today is also very different from yesterday or tomorrow. Because at every moment, our body is changing. We are getting older. We need to use much more effort to keep ourselves with same performance as yesterday.
We don't really need special award to recognize ourselves. Because we are born to be unique and born to be very perfect. Our life is perfect even though there are many not perfect parts but there is no way to change it and make it better. So every thing happened on me is in the best condition. And if I can pass all the test in my life till today, then I am very brave and I deserve to get recognition and acknowledge from myself.
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