31 Jan 2011
25 Jan 2011
我相信大家對這樣的場景一定不陌生,家長帶著孩子參加大人的聚會,大人顧著跟大人說話,小孩子坐在一旁。小孩子覺得無聊了,開始找自己的爸媽說話。爸媽剛開始還應付一下,接下來 爸媽就開始覺得孩子很煩,要孩子聽話在一旁玩。孩子要是不知道要玩什麼,又來找爸媽,爸媽就會生氣了,責怪孩子不聽話,打擾大人說話。
20 Jan 2011
前幾天 聽到基金會的同仁回饋
說輔導老師跟我們反應 孩子在學校的狀況好多了
變得比較守秩序 聯絡簿上的紅字減少了
並且 跟輔導老師說 他長大之後 也要去幫助別人
聽了心裡真的為這孩子的真與善 感到歡喜
昨天 正式打了電話給印尼駐台北的經貿辦事處
他們說收到我的信之後 就開始把整個故事翻譯成印尼文
他們會動用資源 在印尼的媒體傳遞這個訊息
另外 也要父親的照片
進了門 姑姑跟姑丈才剛用完晚餐
我的心中還是有很大的聲音 感謝上主給我這個任務 也感謝祂讓我能早日找到母親
我突然想要拍一段影片給印尼駐台辦事處 讓他拿去印尼播放
我問仁瑋 如果看到媽媽之後 他會怎樣
他說 會撲過去抱她
那看到媽媽之後要跟他說什麼 他說要送給她母親節的卡片
問仁瑋有多想媽媽 這個孩子回答很想 一倍的很想
聽了真的很心酸 也很感動
他們提起 當年 媽媽其實很安靜 不太說話
每逢過年過節 常常關在房間裡面不出來
所以後來她就放棄了 離開台灣回家去
姑丈說 其實這樣的孩子 在台灣應該相當多
而且 仁瑋其實是幸運的
至少還有姑姑跟姑丈 經濟環境還不錯
那些家裡環境很糟的 常常都是爺爺奶奶要負責養
品芳說 女兒同學的祖母也是印尼華僑
在他們住的社區 就是這樣 兩個兄弟各取一個外籍新娘 各生兩個小孩
然後兄弟都無力撫養 到最後 變成奶奶自己要帶四個孩子
這樣的家庭養成的孩子 一定會成為明日台灣的問題
我也相信有可能會是的 這個題目 早在幾年前商周就報導過了
也因為那篇報導 我也認養了伊甸的越南兒啊
我心裡想 需要幫助的人很多啊
也只能見到一個幫一個 盡力 也量力的做啊
至少 現在先把這件任務完成吧
大家都能主動伸出手 幫助身邊的人
說輔導老師跟我們反應 孩子在學校的狀況好多了
變得比較守秩序 聯絡簿上的紅字減少了
並且 跟輔導老師說 他長大之後 也要去幫助別人
聽了心裡真的為這孩子的真與善 感到歡喜
昨天 正式打了電話給印尼駐台北的經貿辦事處
他們說收到我的信之後 就開始把整個故事翻譯成印尼文
他們會動用資源 在印尼的媒體傳遞這個訊息
另外 也要父親的照片
進了門 姑姑跟姑丈才剛用完晚餐
我的心中還是有很大的聲音 感謝上主給我這個任務 也感謝祂讓我能早日找到母親
我突然想要拍一段影片給印尼駐台辦事處 讓他拿去印尼播放
我問仁瑋 如果看到媽媽之後 他會怎樣
他說 會撲過去抱她
那看到媽媽之後要跟他說什麼 他說要送給她母親節的卡片
問仁瑋有多想媽媽 這個孩子回答很想 一倍的很想
聽了真的很心酸 也很感動
他們提起 當年 媽媽其實很安靜 不太說話
每逢過年過節 常常關在房間裡面不出來
所以後來她就放棄了 離開台灣回家去
姑丈說 其實這樣的孩子 在台灣應該相當多
而且 仁瑋其實是幸運的
至少還有姑姑跟姑丈 經濟環境還不錯
那些家裡環境很糟的 常常都是爺爺奶奶要負責養
品芳說 女兒同學的祖母也是印尼華僑
在他們住的社區 就是這樣 兩個兄弟各取一個外籍新娘 各生兩個小孩
然後兄弟都無力撫養 到最後 變成奶奶自己要帶四個孩子
這樣的家庭養成的孩子 一定會成為明日台灣的問題
我也相信有可能會是的 這個題目 早在幾年前商周就報導過了
也因為那篇報導 我也認養了伊甸的越南兒啊
我心裡想 需要幫助的人很多啊
也只能見到一個幫一個 盡力 也量力的做啊
至少 現在先把這件任務完成吧
大家都能主動伸出手 幫助身邊的人
12 Jan 2011
面對敵人 我們從小的教育要去武裝自己 去攻擊他 打敗敵人 殺死敵人
以便贏得勝利 或是保護自己
所以只要是我們想要打倒 壓制 攻擊的人 都是我們的敵人
有人會說 不對 因為有時候我只是生氣 但不至於要打倒他 甚至殺死他
可是仔細檢查一下喔 當我們生氣的時候 不就是不順心了嗎
所謂的不順心 意思就是事情不按照我們的邏輯發生
所謂不按照我們邏輯發生 意思是 這件事情與我的期望或是我的目標相背離
並且讓我難以接受 甚至讓我不舒服到了極點 以至於我生氣了
所以生氣的時候 不管他是誰 我要展示出我的武力 我的狀態
嚇阻他 或者 攻擊他 或者 打敗他
在人的種種關係中 這樣的情況 一再發生
同事間 夫妻間 親子間 朋友間 師生間 商務關係間 各種關係間
乃至於公司與公司間 社區與社區間 運動比賽場上 甚至國家與國家間
可是那些人 真的變成我們的敵人了嗎?
老師罵學生 學生是敵人嗎?
學生討厭老師 老師是敵人嗎?
父母罵小孩 小孩是敵人嗎
先生埋怨老婆 老婆責怪先生 彼此是敵人嗎?
男朋友痛恨女朋友管太多 女朋友痛恨男朋友太花心 彼此是敵人嗎?
小孩討厭爸媽 父母是敵人嗎?
上司討厭部屬 部屬是敵人嗎?
部屬怨恨上司 上司是敵人嗎?
運動場上同場競技的夥伴 彼此認定是宿敵 真的是敵人嗎?
那些關係 對我們而言 真的是敵人嗎?
是的 在理智的狀況下 每個人都會回答不是的
可是一旦狀況發生 能夠保持清醒的 還有多少人
甚至自己已經在攻擊人 卻是都不自知 仍舊以為自己在保護自己
到底誰才是敵人 是的 大多數人在此時都會有標準答案 自己
對 是自己
為了掩飾自己的沒有能力 責怪別人是最好的方法
為了掩飾自己的沒有耐心 大聲罵人是最好的方法
因為只要情緒出來了 就是保護自己的最佳武器
而當我們要保護自己時 難到那個人不就成了自己的敵人
可是 他明明是我們深愛的人啊???
為什麼 我決定把自己愛的人變成敵人??
每次注意到自己已經不高興了 在沒有練習如何管理之前 可以先通知對方 我真的不高興了
請對方見諒 我必須離開現場一下 去冷靜一下嗎? 不要讓脾氣當場爆發出來
找個地方 沒有人 大聲的喊 大聲的痛罵你生氣的人
一直罵 一直到筋疲力盡 一直到自己覺得自己很無聊 再回來
但是 如果練習 這個身體其實是假的 不真實的
沒有人可以傷害我 除非我自己要傷害自己
對方的身體也是假的 也不可能攻擊我的 我不會受到虛假的東西攻擊而受傷的
那麼 就可以保持警覺 知道自己愛的人仍是自己愛的人
不需要攻擊他 只要保持耐心 想辦法學習新的方法去面對這件事
或許一時找不到方法 但這就是鍛鍊耐心的最好機會
慢慢來 就會找到方法去面對 就會找到方法去祝福他 就會找到方法去愛他
因為 攻擊人的 攻擊只會回到自己 愛人的人 愛也會回到自己
願大家都能愛人 而不是攻擊
願大家都能祝福自己 也祝福所有的人
以便贏得勝利 或是保護自己
所以只要是我們想要打倒 壓制 攻擊的人 都是我們的敵人
有人會說 不對 因為有時候我只是生氣 但不至於要打倒他 甚至殺死他
可是仔細檢查一下喔 當我們生氣的時候 不就是不順心了嗎
所謂的不順心 意思就是事情不按照我們的邏輯發生
所謂不按照我們邏輯發生 意思是 這件事情與我的期望或是我的目標相背離
並且讓我難以接受 甚至讓我不舒服到了極點 以至於我生氣了
所以生氣的時候 不管他是誰 我要展示出我的武力 我的狀態
嚇阻他 或者 攻擊他 或者 打敗他
在人的種種關係中 這樣的情況 一再發生
同事間 夫妻間 親子間 朋友間 師生間 商務關係間 各種關係間
乃至於公司與公司間 社區與社區間 運動比賽場上 甚至國家與國家間
可是那些人 真的變成我們的敵人了嗎?
老師罵學生 學生是敵人嗎?
學生討厭老師 老師是敵人嗎?
父母罵小孩 小孩是敵人嗎
先生埋怨老婆 老婆責怪先生 彼此是敵人嗎?
男朋友痛恨女朋友管太多 女朋友痛恨男朋友太花心 彼此是敵人嗎?
小孩討厭爸媽 父母是敵人嗎?
上司討厭部屬 部屬是敵人嗎?
部屬怨恨上司 上司是敵人嗎?
運動場上同場競技的夥伴 彼此認定是宿敵 真的是敵人嗎?
那些關係 對我們而言 真的是敵人嗎?
是的 在理智的狀況下 每個人都會回答不是的
可是一旦狀況發生 能夠保持清醒的 還有多少人
甚至自己已經在攻擊人 卻是都不自知 仍舊以為自己在保護自己
到底誰才是敵人 是的 大多數人在此時都會有標準答案 自己
對 是自己
為了掩飾自己的沒有能力 責怪別人是最好的方法
為了掩飾自己的沒有耐心 大聲罵人是最好的方法
因為只要情緒出來了 就是保護自己的最佳武器
而當我們要保護自己時 難到那個人不就成了自己的敵人
可是 他明明是我們深愛的人啊???
為什麼 我決定把自己愛的人變成敵人??
每次注意到自己已經不高興了 在沒有練習如何管理之前 可以先通知對方 我真的不高興了
請對方見諒 我必須離開現場一下 去冷靜一下嗎? 不要讓脾氣當場爆發出來
找個地方 沒有人 大聲的喊 大聲的痛罵你生氣的人
一直罵 一直到筋疲力盡 一直到自己覺得自己很無聊 再回來
但是 如果練習 這個身體其實是假的 不真實的
沒有人可以傷害我 除非我自己要傷害自己
對方的身體也是假的 也不可能攻擊我的 我不會受到虛假的東西攻擊而受傷的
那麼 就可以保持警覺 知道自己愛的人仍是自己愛的人
不需要攻擊他 只要保持耐心 想辦法學習新的方法去面對這件事
或許一時找不到方法 但這就是鍛鍊耐心的最好機會
慢慢來 就會找到方法去面對 就會找到方法去祝福他 就會找到方法去愛他
因為 攻擊人的 攻擊只會回到自己 愛人的人 愛也會回到自己
願大家都能愛人 而不是攻擊
願大家都能祝福自己 也祝福所有的人
10 Jan 2011
罪惡感 是操縱我們的最佳武器
長久以來 人類發展出來這個最佳武器 罪惡感
你犯了什麼罪 所以就會下地獄
你做了什麼事 不能上天堂
只要你給我多少錢 我幫你改運 我幫你解決業障
這輩子做了什麼事情 所以會墮入三惡道 不斷輪迴
長久以來 我被這件事情 壓得喘不過氣來
我想前進 可是卻因為罪惡感 讓自己痛苦到不行 甚至曾經放棄過自己
直到我遇見了告別娑婆 斷輪迴 奇蹟課程 以及奧修
他們直指人心的點破 幾千年來 操縱人心的把戲
本性是純淨美好 不可能受到汙染 不可能受到傷害
因為天堂即在此 地獄也在此 更無別處
身體只是一組教具 幫助我們學習 憶起我們來此的目的的教具
這些虛幻創造的虛幻的事情 怎麼會因此受到審判呢
當身體不再被使用之後 吐出最後一口氣之後 沒有審判等著我們
而是一片寧靜 與無限的恩慈
這不就是般若心經講的 一切是空 無有恐怖嗎??
可是這麼多年來 我們沒有看懂這篇短短心經的說法
這可是佛陀所憶起的道 最精華的地方啊
所以 無論我們在這世間的行為為何 都不需要感到有罪惡感
並沒有要大家過度解釋這件事情 (其實你去過度解釋也無所謂)
只是 行為如果能夠帶給別人更大的益處
所以才不鼓勵人去動用暴力 不論是肢體暴力 或是言語暴力 情緒暴力
因為這些暴力傷害的 都不是別人 都是自己
或者說 其實也沒有傷害 因為本來就是完滿無缺 不受傷害
而是 這些暴力 都會回過頭來 阻礙了自己的前進 減緩自己感受到愛
如果你現在的信仰 告訴你要禁慾 守貞 吃素 許多限制
我建議你可以來看看這一系列的書籍 看看破除掉限制性信念之後
你再重新選擇時 還是可以禁慾 守貞 吃素
只是比起被罪惡感操縱才做 更有其真實的意境
所有的法門 都是訓練 都是為了讓我們 看破這身體原來是假
但是如果這個法門 要求鞠躬一定要怎麼鞠 唱誦一定要怎麼唱
不小心吃到肉 而起了分別心 甚至有了批評或是言語乃至於情緒暴力相向
這樣的訓練 就沒有辦法靜心
就去到了佛陀所謂的 是人行邪道 不能見如來
只是這個所謂的邪道 不是我們言語中的邪魔歪道 是指不正確的方向
不能見如來 不是不能見到佛陀 而是不能見到本性的意思
你犯了什麼罪 所以就會下地獄
你做了什麼事 不能上天堂
只要你給我多少錢 我幫你改運 我幫你解決業障
這輩子做了什麼事情 所以會墮入三惡道 不斷輪迴
長久以來 我被這件事情 壓得喘不過氣來
我想前進 可是卻因為罪惡感 讓自己痛苦到不行 甚至曾經放棄過自己
直到我遇見了告別娑婆 斷輪迴 奇蹟課程 以及奧修
他們直指人心的點破 幾千年來 操縱人心的把戲
本性是純淨美好 不可能受到汙染 不可能受到傷害
因為天堂即在此 地獄也在此 更無別處
身體只是一組教具 幫助我們學習 憶起我們來此的目的的教具
這些虛幻創造的虛幻的事情 怎麼會因此受到審判呢
當身體不再被使用之後 吐出最後一口氣之後 沒有審判等著我們
而是一片寧靜 與無限的恩慈
這不就是般若心經講的 一切是空 無有恐怖嗎??
可是這麼多年來 我們沒有看懂這篇短短心經的說法
這可是佛陀所憶起的道 最精華的地方啊
所以 無論我們在這世間的行為為何 都不需要感到有罪惡感
並沒有要大家過度解釋這件事情 (其實你去過度解釋也無所謂)
只是 行為如果能夠帶給別人更大的益處
所以才不鼓勵人去動用暴力 不論是肢體暴力 或是言語暴力 情緒暴力
因為這些暴力傷害的 都不是別人 都是自己
或者說 其實也沒有傷害 因為本來就是完滿無缺 不受傷害
而是 這些暴力 都會回過頭來 阻礙了自己的前進 減緩自己感受到愛
如果你現在的信仰 告訴你要禁慾 守貞 吃素 許多限制
我建議你可以來看看這一系列的書籍 看看破除掉限制性信念之後
你再重新選擇時 還是可以禁慾 守貞 吃素
只是比起被罪惡感操縱才做 更有其真實的意境
所有的法門 都是訓練 都是為了讓我們 看破這身體原來是假
但是如果這個法門 要求鞠躬一定要怎麼鞠 唱誦一定要怎麼唱
不小心吃到肉 而起了分別心 甚至有了批評或是言語乃至於情緒暴力相向
這樣的訓練 就沒有辦法靜心
就去到了佛陀所謂的 是人行邪道 不能見如來
只是這個所謂的邪道 不是我們言語中的邪魔歪道 是指不正確的方向
不能見如來 不是不能見到佛陀 而是不能見到本性的意思
秘密 帶來了一波 心想事成的熱潮
跟自己想要的東西 保持良好的關係
因為去要的本身 沒有錯誤
反正要的不是真實的東西 都是虛幻的
對宇宙而言 去給我們虛幻的東西 當然不費吹灰之力
為了確認訂單 需要花點時間準備跟確認
只是其中有一項 是比較難要到的
要到之後 那個禮物可能會不一定是我們真正要的
那天岳母來家裡 說起一個親戚在竹科上班 很有錢
要找一個小他十歲 向林志玲一樣的美女來當老婆
我當場回我岳母 這種人 怎麼可以結婚呢 誰願意嫁給他呢?
嫁給這種人 整天都見不到面 連週末可能都還要加班
不僅不是個好男人 更別提當個好父親
那麼這個男人是要找美女而已 所以 過些年 就可以換老婆了
這樣的婚姻 應該不算是婚姻 應該算是買賣吧!!
關鍵字用 "帥" "有車"
結果查出來的結果是 "象棋"
有本書寫到 日本的女生 一定要找年薪六百萬的男生來嫁
因為嫁給他之後 自己就不用上班了
有錢的女生也要找六百萬的 沒錢的女生也要找六百萬以上的
而這六百萬年薪的未婚男性 只佔這個社會的5%
其他的男生 就註定取不到老婆
或是只能等到女生都放棄了 才來將就自己
這樣的關係 人都變成了貨物
女生要美麗 要能帶得出門 要能在家做家事 要能在床上當蕩婦 要能當好母親
男生要專情 年薪要幾百萬以上 要浪漫 要負責任 要能當好父親
假若宇宙真的把這樣的貨品送上了 這樣的關係就能維持住嗎?
因為 貨品就是被拿來使用 乖乖的 跟寵物一般 滿足種種條件
可是人不是貨品 人會有自己的要求
所以 我們開出來的條件篩選出來的人 自己也會向宇宙下訂單啊
那麼 我們自己又是符合對方標準的人嗎?
關係 要問的 是我能為你做什麼
要問的是 雙方面能夠共同成長 相互包容
如果要談的是戀愛 短期的 濃烈的
那麼 就像即溶咖啡 快泡快喝 喝完就丟
那麼確實開出種種條件是必須的 談起來痛快 過癮
可是如果要祈求的 是長期相處的人
那麼問的 真的不是對方是什麼人 而是自己是什麼樣的人
自己如果能夠願意去包容對方 願意與對方一起成長
條件上 就會很簡單 就是願意與我們互相包容 互相支持的 一起成長的人
然後下訂單時 要記得告訴宇宙
我願意好好愛他 守護著他 給他全部的自由
我願意讓他保持還沒有跟我在一起的時候的樣子 那樣的自由
那麼 就不用顧忌任何標準 任何問題 勇敢去愛
愛不愛一個人 你的每一個細胞都可以告訴你
別問你的大腦 你的大腦告訴你的答案 都不太準
用你的大腦找關係 這樣的關係 真的不能長久 而且很辛苦
跟自己想要的東西 保持良好的關係
因為去要的本身 沒有錯誤
反正要的不是真實的東西 都是虛幻的
對宇宙而言 去給我們虛幻的東西 當然不費吹灰之力
為了確認訂單 需要花點時間準備跟確認
只是其中有一項 是比較難要到的
要到之後 那個禮物可能會不一定是我們真正要的
那天岳母來家裡 說起一個親戚在竹科上班 很有錢
要找一個小他十歲 向林志玲一樣的美女來當老婆
我當場回我岳母 這種人 怎麼可以結婚呢 誰願意嫁給他呢?
嫁給這種人 整天都見不到面 連週末可能都還要加班
不僅不是個好男人 更別提當個好父親
那麼這個男人是要找美女而已 所以 過些年 就可以換老婆了
這樣的婚姻 應該不算是婚姻 應該算是買賣吧!!
關鍵字用 "帥" "有車"
結果查出來的結果是 "象棋"
有本書寫到 日本的女生 一定要找年薪六百萬的男生來嫁
因為嫁給他之後 自己就不用上班了
有錢的女生也要找六百萬的 沒錢的女生也要找六百萬以上的
而這六百萬年薪的未婚男性 只佔這個社會的5%
其他的男生 就註定取不到老婆
或是只能等到女生都放棄了 才來將就自己
這樣的關係 人都變成了貨物
女生要美麗 要能帶得出門 要能在家做家事 要能在床上當蕩婦 要能當好母親
男生要專情 年薪要幾百萬以上 要浪漫 要負責任 要能當好父親
假若宇宙真的把這樣的貨品送上了 這樣的關係就能維持住嗎?
因為 貨品就是被拿來使用 乖乖的 跟寵物一般 滿足種種條件
可是人不是貨品 人會有自己的要求
所以 我們開出來的條件篩選出來的人 自己也會向宇宙下訂單啊
那麼 我們自己又是符合對方標準的人嗎?
關係 要問的 是我能為你做什麼
要問的是 雙方面能夠共同成長 相互包容
如果要談的是戀愛 短期的 濃烈的
那麼 就像即溶咖啡 快泡快喝 喝完就丟
那麼確實開出種種條件是必須的 談起來痛快 過癮
可是如果要祈求的 是長期相處的人
那麼問的 真的不是對方是什麼人 而是自己是什麼樣的人
自己如果能夠願意去包容對方 願意與對方一起成長
條件上 就會很簡單 就是願意與我們互相包容 互相支持的 一起成長的人
然後下訂單時 要記得告訴宇宙
我願意好好愛他 守護著他 給他全部的自由
我願意讓他保持還沒有跟我在一起的時候的樣子 那樣的自由
那麼 就不用顧忌任何標準 任何問題 勇敢去愛
愛不愛一個人 你的每一個細胞都可以告訴你
別問你的大腦 你的大腦告訴你的答案 都不太準
用你的大腦找關係 這樣的關係 真的不能長久 而且很辛苦
未來 我們在做什麼
日本的TBS電視台 播出了一個特別節目
邀請了當年的棒球名人 再團聚在一起
當年很有名的清原 落合 還有很多我說不出來人名的棒球選手
聚在一起 今天大家都不再閃亮
每個人臉上 都是風霜 都是平靜的表情 但也有些落寞
你呢 我呢 十年之後 我們在做什麼呢?
二十年後 三十年後呢?
是否還在追求什麼東西 是否還在拼死拼活
還是 在不斷的懊惱 或是 在不斷的掙扎
持續的讓這世界更有愛 更有美好
邀請了當年的棒球名人 再團聚在一起
當年很有名的清原 落合 還有很多我說不出來人名的棒球選手
聚在一起 今天大家都不再閃亮
每個人臉上 都是風霜 都是平靜的表情 但也有些落寞
你呢 我呢 十年之後 我們在做什麼呢?
二十年後 三十年後呢?
是否還在追求什麼東西 是否還在拼死拼活
還是 在不斷的懊惱 或是 在不斷的掙扎
持續的讓這世界更有愛 更有美好
8 Jan 2011
麵包的故事 故事的背後
當下有喜悅 有敬畏 有臣服 有感恩
第一 要像糖姐姐一樣 有顆溫柔的心
第二 不管我們是誰 只有放開雙手擁抱 才能成就大事
第三 事實上 我們每個人 都是完美的
第一二點 我相信一般父母親都能演繹 說得清楚給孩子聽
第三點 是想寫給大人看的
今天我在部落格中留下一個疑問句 你相信有輪迴嗎?
如果你回答不相信 或許下面的文章 你可能可以跳過去
因為以下的立論基礎 是基於相信有輪迴 才能接受的說法
在這一次我們再來 在出生那一刻 定了結果
甚至在來之前 劇本早已寫好
如同故事中的水弟弟 當他從自來水廠送出的時候
流出了水龍頭 所以以為自己的出身 就僅止於水龍頭
直到糖姐姐 說出了水生生世世的循環
才知道 原來自己 曾經旅行過許許多多地方
在來這一世之前 早就來過許多次
曾經是男生 曾經是女生
曾經是帝王 曾經是乞丐
曾經權傾一時 曾經顛沛流離
曾經殺過人 曾經被陷害
曾經出家修道 曾經是富可敵國
曾經是運動健將 曾經是殘障人士
每一次 都演一齣人生大戲
然後戲落幕 吐出最後一口氣 離開這趟學習之旅
戲落幕 沒有審判 沒有掌聲或噓聲 沒有評鑑高低
只有完美的自性 看著自己曾經演出的戲 笑了笑
然後再往下一次的體驗 準備前進
那麼 哪個人生 才是真正的你
這次的出生 在哪個家庭 跟真正的你 誰是真的
我們頒給那些演戲演得最逼真的演員 最佳男女主角的獎
事實上 在人生的舞台上 我們各個都是最佳主角
因為如果我們不夠完美 我們怎麼能夠恰如其分的演出這麼多世?
可以演出這麼多不同的角色的 還不能得獎嗎?
可是得不得獎又如何 因為我們不需要這些獎來提醒我們
提醒我們本來就是最棒的 最完美的
是的 因為我們在演戲
演了這場戲 劇本裡寫著 我們自己就會有些狀況
不論是環境 行為 態度 就都不對
所以造成我們在演戲的過程中 感到不舒服 感到難過
可是如果我們真的太入戲 那麼忘記自己來的目的
那麼 就會喜歡上演戲 所以就會一直來這裡演戲
直到我們醒過來 知道自己不需要再演戲了
演這麼多戲 只有一個真正的結局
真正醒過來 知道我們本來的本性 是完美的 同神一樣 完美
只是我們常常忘記了 跟著劇本演出 就忘記了
不需要羨慕別人 不需要自怨自艾
因為下了戲 我們都是一樣的完美
為了這世界而貢獻 不需要任何掌聲
因為在貢獻的過程 我們已經得到所有的喜悅
所以不是為了掌聲 也不是為了別人的認可 才去貢獻
寬恕 是最重要的練習
只有看出彼此本無差異 原來只是虛幻的演戲
就可以寬恕對方的行為 也寬恕自己的行為
祝福 是最重要的練習
因為彼此都如此完美 因此本來就可以給他最大的祝福
除非我們認為自己不值得被祝福 否則 我們就能給出別人祝福
愛 是最重要的練習
因為在來之前或之後 我們本來就是一體無分
本來完美 所以自己當然愛自己 怎麼可能不愛自己
所以愛對方 就是愛自己 只因我們從來未曾分開
只是一人分飾多角 自己以為那不是自己罷了 所以有了分別
當我可以愛自己 就可以愛別人
再一次 你與我本是一體 沒有分別
自從開始閱讀告別娑婆 斷輪迴 奇蹟課程後
確實在靈性的修行上 有了很大的進步
再加上奧修的解說 實在有很大的喜悅在裡頭
因此 我真的鼓勵大家 能夠看看告別娑婆 奇蹟課程
真的 會有奇蹟發生的
當下有喜悅 有敬畏 有臣服 有感恩
第一 要像糖姐姐一樣 有顆溫柔的心
第二 不管我們是誰 只有放開雙手擁抱 才能成就大事
第三 事實上 我們每個人 都是完美的
第一二點 我相信一般父母親都能演繹 說得清楚給孩子聽
第三點 是想寫給大人看的
今天我在部落格中留下一個疑問句 你相信有輪迴嗎?
如果你回答不相信 或許下面的文章 你可能可以跳過去
因為以下的立論基礎 是基於相信有輪迴 才能接受的說法
在這一次我們再來 在出生那一刻 定了結果
甚至在來之前 劇本早已寫好
如同故事中的水弟弟 當他從自來水廠送出的時候
流出了水龍頭 所以以為自己的出身 就僅止於水龍頭
直到糖姐姐 說出了水生生世世的循環
才知道 原來自己 曾經旅行過許許多多地方
在來這一世之前 早就來過許多次
曾經是男生 曾經是女生
曾經是帝王 曾經是乞丐
曾經權傾一時 曾經顛沛流離
曾經殺過人 曾經被陷害
曾經出家修道 曾經是富可敵國
曾經是運動健將 曾經是殘障人士
每一次 都演一齣人生大戲
然後戲落幕 吐出最後一口氣 離開這趟學習之旅
戲落幕 沒有審判 沒有掌聲或噓聲 沒有評鑑高低
只有完美的自性 看著自己曾經演出的戲 笑了笑
然後再往下一次的體驗 準備前進
那麼 哪個人生 才是真正的你
這次的出生 在哪個家庭 跟真正的你 誰是真的
我們頒給那些演戲演得最逼真的演員 最佳男女主角的獎
事實上 在人生的舞台上 我們各個都是最佳主角
因為如果我們不夠完美 我們怎麼能夠恰如其分的演出這麼多世?
可以演出這麼多不同的角色的 還不能得獎嗎?
可是得不得獎又如何 因為我們不需要這些獎來提醒我們
提醒我們本來就是最棒的 最完美的
是的 因為我們在演戲
演了這場戲 劇本裡寫著 我們自己就會有些狀況
不論是環境 行為 態度 就都不對
所以造成我們在演戲的過程中 感到不舒服 感到難過
可是如果我們真的太入戲 那麼忘記自己來的目的
那麼 就會喜歡上演戲 所以就會一直來這裡演戲
直到我們醒過來 知道自己不需要再演戲了
演這麼多戲 只有一個真正的結局
真正醒過來 知道我們本來的本性 是完美的 同神一樣 完美
只是我們常常忘記了 跟著劇本演出 就忘記了
不需要羨慕別人 不需要自怨自艾
因為下了戲 我們都是一樣的完美
為了這世界而貢獻 不需要任何掌聲
因為在貢獻的過程 我們已經得到所有的喜悅
所以不是為了掌聲 也不是為了別人的認可 才去貢獻
寬恕 是最重要的練習
只有看出彼此本無差異 原來只是虛幻的演戲
就可以寬恕對方的行為 也寬恕自己的行為
祝福 是最重要的練習
因為彼此都如此完美 因此本來就可以給他最大的祝福
除非我們認為自己不值得被祝福 否則 我們就能給出別人祝福
愛 是最重要的練習
因為在來之前或之後 我們本來就是一體無分
本來完美 所以自己當然愛自己 怎麼可能不愛自己
所以愛對方 就是愛自己 只因我們從來未曾分開
只是一人分飾多角 自己以為那不是自己罷了 所以有了分別
當我可以愛自己 就可以愛別人
再一次 你與我本是一體 沒有分別
自從開始閱讀告別娑婆 斷輪迴 奇蹟課程後
確實在靈性的修行上 有了很大的進步
再加上奧修的解說 實在有很大的喜悅在裡頭
因此 我真的鼓勵大家 能夠看看告別娑婆 奇蹟課程
真的 會有奇蹟發生的
6 Jan 2011
喜悅 往往就在一轉身
對著天空 跟祂聊天
有時後自己很沮喪 有時候很懊惱
想要的事情 想立刻讓祂發生
不想要的事情 想立即結束
就這樣聊啊聊的 祂似乎就會給我一些指示
祂說 別抱怨 要幫你準備禮物 也要點時間啊
你要的那麼多項 我也得一項一項來做啊
總是要記得 保持信念 把一切託付給上主
總是要記得 這一切都不是真的 只是一場戲
總是要記得 要去寬恕自己 寬恕自己眼中看到的一切人事物
總是要記得 去愛人 心裡不要感到埋怨跟責怪
總是要記得 祂已幫我準備好我要前進的道路的
然後 下樓前 就發現 自己剛剛上樓的想法 真是很可愛
祂對我說的話 彷彿是我對我兒子說的一樣口吻
我常笑著說 主啊 你真的愛開我玩笑!!
喜悅 都在一轉身 一轉念
放下堅持 放下原則 放下標準 放下評估判斷
原來 這世界這麼美
對著天空 跟祂聊天
有時後自己很沮喪 有時候很懊惱
想要的事情 想立刻讓祂發生
不想要的事情 想立即結束
就這樣聊啊聊的 祂似乎就會給我一些指示
祂說 別抱怨 要幫你準備禮物 也要點時間啊
你要的那麼多項 我也得一項一項來做啊
總是要記得 保持信念 把一切託付給上主
總是要記得 這一切都不是真的 只是一場戲
總是要記得 要去寬恕自己 寬恕自己眼中看到的一切人事物
總是要記得 去愛人 心裡不要感到埋怨跟責怪
總是要記得 祂已幫我準備好我要前進的道路的
然後 下樓前 就發現 自己剛剛上樓的想法 真是很可愛
祂對我說的話 彷彿是我對我兒子說的一樣口吻
我常笑著說 主啊 你真的愛開我玩笑!!
喜悅 都在一轉身 一轉念
放下堅持 放下原則 放下標準 放下評估判斷
原來 這世界這麼美
4 Jan 2011
Please help me to look for a mother
9 years ago, Ms. DINA MARIANA TJHUNG went to Taiwan. Dina is an Indonesian. and she knew that to make money is much more easier in Taiwan than in her hometown. So she went to a local agent in Taiwan and get married with a Taiwanese. She has a boy very soon but her husband had a terrible problem, drug abuse. He was caught to put in jail for a long time. Dina cannot have a good life then she wanted to go home.
Of course she wanted to take her 4-year-old son with her. But problem is the son
due to Taiwan immigration law, cannot have ID, even don't mention passport, so she had to leave alone then never come back.
The boy was raised by his grandpa. But when the boy was 6, his grandpa was died in a car accident. Then his auntie take care of him now. One year ago, the boy's father finally got released. But just in the first day of Chinese New Year, he killed himself because of overdoes injection of drug. The most terrible thing is the father was died in front of this 8-year-old boy.
Now the boy is 9, the 3rd grade in the elementary school.
The local agent to let Dina get married was moved and the contact info only the grandpa knows. But the grandpa was passed away so there is almost no other info can help to find the mom except her passport number.
When I visit the boy tonight, I see a very beautiful boy.
He is humble and a little too shy.
After checking with auntie then I know he has amblyopia.
I told him I am here is because I want to know more about you and then I can try to find your mom. But I cannot sure if I can make it.
He just nods his head and say :"You can find her. I believe that you can do it!"
What a great entrust!
My tear cannot help to drop.
I swear, I will definitely find him his mom.
I asked the boy to show me his mom's photo.
He ran to get the album and pass that to me.
I know, this is his treasure!

I ask the boy what if we can really find her right before Christmas, shall we prepare a gift for her? The boy nods his head and say "Yes" happily. Then both of us agree to get good scores on exams and show his mom all the exam sheets with high scores.
Suddenly, the boy asked me:"What if my mom cannot remember me? Cannot recognize me?"
I cannot help to cry again. I told the boy:"There is no mom in the world will forget about her son. And no mom will not stop thinking of her lovely boy. Of course she will remember you!"
Then before I leave, I encourage the boy to pray with me and pray every night before he sleeps.
I now it's a very challenge task since the clues are such a few.
But I know it's because of God to ask me to do so.
I shall not worry because He is always with me.
And I have so many people in the world can help this boy.
So I also believe that I can find the mom.
We shall not let the boy down. We shall not fail his expectation.
I cannot post the Mom's passport number on line.
If you can help this boy, please leave your message then I will send you other info.
If you have no idea how to help, please pray for the kid. His name is Zen Wei Hsu.
Thank God. Thank you.
Of course she wanted to take her 4-year-old son with her. But problem is the son
due to Taiwan immigration law, cannot have ID, even don't mention passport, so she had to leave alone then never come back.
The boy was raised by his grandpa. But when the boy was 6, his grandpa was died in a car accident. Then his auntie take care of him now. One year ago, the boy's father finally got released. But just in the first day of Chinese New Year, he killed himself because of overdoes injection of drug. The most terrible thing is the father was died in front of this 8-year-old boy.
Now the boy is 9, the 3rd grade in the elementary school.
The local agent to let Dina get married was moved and the contact info only the grandpa knows. But the grandpa was passed away so there is almost no other info can help to find the mom except her passport number.
When I visit the boy tonight, I see a very beautiful boy.
He is humble and a little too shy.
After checking with auntie then I know he has amblyopia.
I told him I am here is because I want to know more about you and then I can try to find your mom. But I cannot sure if I can make it.
He just nods his head and say :"You can find her. I believe that you can do it!"
What a great entrust!
My tear cannot help to drop.
I swear, I will definitely find him his mom.
I asked the boy to show me his mom's photo.
He ran to get the album and pass that to me.
I know, this is his treasure!

I ask the boy what if we can really find her right before Christmas, shall we prepare a gift for her? The boy nods his head and say "Yes" happily. Then both of us agree to get good scores on exams and show his mom all the exam sheets with high scores.
Suddenly, the boy asked me:"What if my mom cannot remember me? Cannot recognize me?"
I cannot help to cry again. I told the boy:"There is no mom in the world will forget about her son. And no mom will not stop thinking of her lovely boy. Of course she will remember you!"
Then before I leave, I encourage the boy to pray with me and pray every night before he sleeps.
I now it's a very challenge task since the clues are such a few.
But I know it's because of God to ask me to do so.
I shall not worry because He is always with me.
And I have so many people in the world can help this boy.
So I also believe that I can find the mom.
We shall not let the boy down. We shall not fail his expectation.
I cannot post the Mom's passport number on line.
If you can help this boy, please leave your message then I will send you other info.
If you have no idea how to help, please pray for the kid. His name is Zen Wei Hsu.
Thank God. Thank you.
超級任務 尋母記 日日夜夜的期盼
九年前到台灣來旅行 透過仲介公司 嫁給了台灣人
生了個男孩 小男孩一直都沒有辦法得到身分 爸爸一直吸毒進出監獄
在男孩四歲時 Dina在台灣過不下去了 得回印尼 想帶走孩子
可是孩子因為沒有身分 就沒有辦法跟媽媽走
媽媽走了 孩子就只好由爺爺撫養 因為爸爸一直在監獄裡
結果六歲的時候 爺爺就出車禍過世了 現在由姑姑在領養
孩子現在姑姑還是很好心的在帶 住在新莊 可是男孩心裡 總是想念著媽媽
三年級 剛從補習班回來 還是個純真的孩子哪
相貌端正 戴著眼鏡 有著憨厚跟靦腆的表情
問起姑姑為什麼孩子戴眼鏡 姑姑說 他是弱視
在沒有給姑姑帶之前 就已經是弱視了
笑起來 真是好可愛的孩子
姑姑跟姑丈說 他總是調皮 就是靜不下來
所以功課 考試 總是狀況百出
每個禮拜的聯絡簿 老師總是有一堆評語
那個瞬間 我想起了我認識的一個孩子 有著相同的特質
他衝進房裡 拿了一本照片出來
我知道 那是他的寶貝啊

我跟孩子說 媽媽好漂亮喔!!他帶你出去玩耶!
孩子的眼神中 帶著期盼 開心的點頭
我問他 你想媽媽嗎?
話一出口 我就覺得我在問廢話 哪有孩子不想媽的啊?
可是孩子還是認真的回答 我想
我跟孩子說 我會來幫助你找媽媽 可是我也不知道 我能不能幫得上忙
我要是沒找到 你不要怪我好嗎 我會盡力的
孩子小小聲的說 你會找到的 我相信你會找到的
這是很大的託付啊 很重的期盼啊 我不知道我能做到哪裡啊!!
我擦了擦眼淚 我問孩子
功課好不好 他說他考21名
我問孩子 如果耶誕節前 我們真的可以找到媽媽的話
孩子超級開心的笑了 他急切的說 好啊!!好啊!!
我問 那我們準備什麼禮物呢?
孩子說 錢好了 我笑了笑 跟孩子說 媽媽不需要你的錢
孩子說 那還有什麼禮物呢?
我說 這樣好不好 我們準備好多考得很棒的考卷給媽媽看
讓媽媽見到你的時候 覺得你好棒好不好?
孩子突然有點難過 擔心的問我 豪爸 媽媽見到我的時候 會不會不認識我了
我只能回答 會的 沒有媽媽不認識自己的孩子的
他一定記得你的 也一定很思念你的
只是他不知道怎麼找到你 怎麼才能再看到你
所以我才要來幫忙 讓你們兩個再次見面喔!!
我要孩子幫我一個忙 每天晚上 都要祈禱找到媽媽
我問孩子 對爸爸有什麼感覺
孩子很猶豫的說 我很生氣
我不能知道為什麼爸爸要這麼做 但是我知道 他如果知道有更好的選擇 他不會這樣做的
我請他接受我的道歉 代替他爸爸向他道歉
請他原諒他爸爸 他輕輕的點點頭
在我回家前 孩子說 我給你看我的考卷

我給了孩子鼓勵 也期望他繼續下去 也要把考卷收好 有一天見面時 秀給媽媽看
如果我今天 能夠為孩子做一點事情
我相信 就能為未來台灣 增加一份平安
我的朋友們 如果 你有辦法幫我 就幫我找方法
我有媽媽的護照號碼 可是我不能在網站上公開
若你能幫忙 請留言給我 我會把資料傳給你
如果你沒有辦法幫我 就請你為孩子祈禱 祝福他早點找到媽媽
孩子的名字叫做許仁瑋 謝謝你的祝福
我知道 是祂讓我來做這件事情的
因為我相信 我有你的祝福 我有祂的祝福
九年前到台灣來旅行 透過仲介公司 嫁給了台灣人
生了個男孩 小男孩一直都沒有辦法得到身分 爸爸一直吸毒進出監獄
在男孩四歲時 Dina在台灣過不下去了 得回印尼 想帶走孩子
可是孩子因為沒有身分 就沒有辦法跟媽媽走
媽媽走了 孩子就只好由爺爺撫養 因為爸爸一直在監獄裡
結果六歲的時候 爺爺就出車禍過世了 現在由姑姑在領養
孩子現在姑姑還是很好心的在帶 住在新莊 可是男孩心裡 總是想念著媽媽
三年級 剛從補習班回來 還是個純真的孩子哪
相貌端正 戴著眼鏡 有著憨厚跟靦腆的表情
問起姑姑為什麼孩子戴眼鏡 姑姑說 他是弱視
在沒有給姑姑帶之前 就已經是弱視了
笑起來 真是好可愛的孩子
姑姑跟姑丈說 他總是調皮 就是靜不下來
所以功課 考試 總是狀況百出
每個禮拜的聯絡簿 老師總是有一堆評語
那個瞬間 我想起了我認識的一個孩子 有著相同的特質
他衝進房裡 拿了一本照片出來
我知道 那是他的寶貝啊

我跟孩子說 媽媽好漂亮喔!!他帶你出去玩耶!
孩子的眼神中 帶著期盼 開心的點頭
我問他 你想媽媽嗎?
話一出口 我就覺得我在問廢話 哪有孩子不想媽的啊?
可是孩子還是認真的回答 我想
我跟孩子說 我會來幫助你找媽媽 可是我也不知道 我能不能幫得上忙
我要是沒找到 你不要怪我好嗎 我會盡力的
孩子小小聲的說 你會找到的 我相信你會找到的
這是很大的託付啊 很重的期盼啊 我不知道我能做到哪裡啊!!
我擦了擦眼淚 我問孩子
功課好不好 他說他考21名
我問孩子 如果耶誕節前 我們真的可以找到媽媽的話
孩子超級開心的笑了 他急切的說 好啊!!好啊!!
我問 那我們準備什麼禮物呢?
孩子說 錢好了 我笑了笑 跟孩子說 媽媽不需要你的錢
孩子說 那還有什麼禮物呢?
我說 這樣好不好 我們準備好多考得很棒的考卷給媽媽看
讓媽媽見到你的時候 覺得你好棒好不好?
孩子突然有點難過 擔心的問我 豪爸 媽媽見到我的時候 會不會不認識我了
我只能回答 會的 沒有媽媽不認識自己的孩子的
他一定記得你的 也一定很思念你的
只是他不知道怎麼找到你 怎麼才能再看到你
所以我才要來幫忙 讓你們兩個再次見面喔!!
我要孩子幫我一個忙 每天晚上 都要祈禱找到媽媽
我問孩子 對爸爸有什麼感覺
孩子很猶豫的說 我很生氣
我不能知道為什麼爸爸要這麼做 但是我知道 他如果知道有更好的選擇 他不會這樣做的
我請他接受我的道歉 代替他爸爸向他道歉
請他原諒他爸爸 他輕輕的點點頭
在我回家前 孩子說 我給你看我的考卷

我給了孩子鼓勵 也期望他繼續下去 也要把考卷收好 有一天見面時 秀給媽媽看
如果我今天 能夠為孩子做一點事情
我相信 就能為未來台灣 增加一份平安
我的朋友們 如果 你有辦法幫我 就幫我找方法
我有媽媽的護照號碼 可是我不能在網站上公開
若你能幫忙 請留言給我 我會把資料傳給你
如果你沒有辦法幫我 就請你為孩子祈禱 祝福他早點找到媽媽
孩子的名字叫做許仁瑋 謝謝你的祝福
我知道 是祂讓我來做這件事情的
因為我相信 我有你的祝福 我有祂的祝福
3 Jan 2011
The Bakery on Saint Charles Street
One of the most famous bakeries in all of Paris is the bakery on Saint Charles Street, which is only open for one hour a day. During the lunch hour, you can see a long line of people waiting to buy their loaves of bread, toasted croissants, French pastries, and other delightful creations. When the lunch hour is over, the bakery closes, and you have to wait another day if you want to taste their lovely bread.
It’s a curious and wonderful thing when someone bites into a piece of bread from the bakery on Saint Charles Street. A smile forms on their face and happiness begins to fill their entire being. The master baker so enjoys watching these smiles form that lunch hour has become his most favorite time of the day.
You can hear people chatting happily about the bread as they wait in line.
“They use the very best flour in France. It’s made from a special variety of wheat that can only be found in one place - a tiny, secret field that only twelve people know about in the whole world..”
“You know, their eggs come from a very famous farm that only sells to a very exclusive clientele. On this farm, the chickens are allowed to roam freely and are raised on an all-natural diet of organic feed. So these eggs grow much larger - 20% larger than normal eggs - and the yolk is almost the same color as pure gold.”
“Do you know why their butter is so creamy and rich? It's made from milk that comes from a special farm in the mountains, where the cows are raised on fresh apples and listen to Mozart every day!”
“The baker doesn't use ordinary yeast - he prefers special type that you won't find in any store. Not only does it give the bread a unique fluffy texture, it also helps strengthen your body's natural defenses against sickness. In fact, in some cultures, this yeast has been used as a traditional medicine for many generations."
“You know what I heard? The sugar is a special type that comes from a rare and delicate plant. It’s said that this plant naturally produces a very pure form of sugar, the most perfect sugar in the world.”
As customers rave excitedly about the bakery, their words also reach the ingredients themselves. Every morning, these ingredients wait in the kitchen for the master baker to mix up his next batch of bread, and as they wait, they hear the words of praise and wonder from people outside. It has caused many of the ingredients to become quite vain, and they often interrupt each other with their own words of praise for themselves.
Smug and haughty, Mr. Flour likes to remind people of where he comes from.
Proud Lady Yeast feels she is the most unique and special because of her long history.
Brother Butter looks down on the others for not being as cultured as he.
Being bigger than everyone else has made Big Egg very arrogant and rude.
Unlike the others, wise Sister Sugar doesn't join the boasting. She's perfectly aware of how special she is, but she doesn’t make a big deal about it.
And then there's Little Water.
While everyone around him seems to have impressive backgrounds, Little Water doesn’t know anything about where he is from. The only thing he knows is that he came from the faucet, just like the water that the master baker uses for washing his hands and mopping the floor. As the other ingredients boast and brag, it reminds Little Water that he's not special at all, and it makes him feel ashamed of himself.
Finally, one day, as the master baker began making preparations for the day's rolls, croissants, and pastries, Mr. Flour started talking again about how lovely the air was at the wheat field where he originally came from. As usual, Lady Yeast and Big Egg also joined in with their own elaborate boasts. But this time, Little Water felt that he had enough.
“Compared to everyone else, I’m just a nobody. No one says anything nice to say about little old me. So I must not be very important. In fact, I don’t think I even deserve to work with these big shots.”
So Little Water folded his arms and held them tight against his chest. And when the master baker began pouring water into the flour to make the dough, Little Water kept his hands folded to himself instead of holding them out to Mr. Flour as usual.
No matter how hard the master baker tried, he just couldn’t get the flour and water to mix. “What is going on?” the master baker wondered. He tried adding more flour. He tried adding more water. He mixed with one spoon, two spoons, a big spoon, a fork, a power mixer, his fingers, even the rolling pin. Nothing worked.
Mr. Flour grew frustrated and started yelling at Little Water. “What is the matter with you? You need to stop fooling around and get to work! Hold your arms out now so we can mix together!”
Big Egg also started in. “Hey, pipsqueak, listen to the man. I’m next in line. You better get going or I’m going to miss my big entrance! Don’t keep me waiting, you hear?”
It wasn't long before Lady Yeast began to get concerned as well. “Little Water, is something wrong with you? Are you sick? Why don’t you work with Mr. Flour?"
Soon, it seemed that everyone was upset and blaming Little Water for the trouble. Only Sister Sugar remained calm, quietly observing.
Just like that, the morning was over and it was almost lunchtime. But the master baker didn't have any bread to sell, because he wasn't able to make any dough. He couldn't make any dough because he couldn't mix the flour and the water. Was it because he was getting old? The master baker didn't know. But he knew that today, there would be no bread for the customers standing in line at the bakery at Saint Charles Street. And that meant that he wouldn't get to see those lovely smiles forming on all those faces. There would be no smiles today.
Not knowing what else to do, the master baker finally hung up his baker's hat and told the clerk to hang a sign on the door saying "Closed for business". The customers standing outside of the bakery watched this in shock. No one knew what to think.
"What's taking so long?"
"Why isn't the bakery open yet?"
"Where's the baker? Is he sick?"
"Is the bakery going out of business?"
"Will the bakery be open tomorrow?"
Mr. Flour, Lady Yeast, and the others also watched in shock. In their lifetime, they never saw the bakery closed for business during lunch. "I don't believe it. This can't be happening!" wailed Lady Yeast.
Little Water didn't mean for this to happen. When he saw the sad look on the master baker's face, Little Water was filled with regret and sorrow at what he had done. For a moment, he thought maybe he was wrong to be so uncooperative. Maybe he should have just opened his arms as usual and not cause everyone so much trouble.
But then Little Water remembered how arrogant everyone had been, and how none of them ever treated him with any respect or dignity. This made Little Water feel stubborn and bitter, and so he kept his arms crossed and acted like he didn't care at all that the bakery was closing.
"Why should I care?" Little Water said to himself. "No one cares about me."
Just then, he heard the sound of someone approaching. It was Sister Sugar. "Little Water?" she asked gently. "What's wrong? Are you feeling all right?"
Little Water turned to face Sister Sugar. Her eyes were kind, and her voice warm and caring. Suddenly, it was too much for Little Water to bear. He burst into tears. And it all came out in a rush.
“Well, I keep hearing everyone always talking about how great you guys are. You guys are all so special and important. But I'm just water that comes from the kitchen faucet. I'm nothing, a nobody! Did you ever hear anyone say anything about how special the water is? Never! No one ever notices me, no one ever cares!" Little Water looked down, his eyes wet with tears.
"Go on," Sister Sugar said after a moment.
Still looking at the ground, Little Water finally spoke again. "I'm just not worthy to work with you guys."
For a moment, Sister Sugar was silent. Then she started chuckling softly, then a little more loudly, until she was laughing out loud. When she saw the hurt look on Little Water's face, she quickly stopped laughing, but her eyes still twinkled with amusement.
"I'm so sorry, Little Water, but until today, I did not realize that you really had no idea of how important you are. Isn't it obvious?" Little Water shook his head no, and Sister Sugar continued.
"See, Little Water, if Big Egg refuses to work, we can always use normal eggs. If Lady Yeast goes missing, we can find other yeast. But without you, Little Water, there's nothing we can do. Without you, we can't make the dough at all."
This was true, Little Water realized. But it didn't make him feel much better. "Sure, everyone needs me, but there's nothing special about me," he said. "I'm just water from the faucet."
Sister Sugar patted Little Water on the shoulder. "You really don't know how special you are, do you? Well I know an interesting story about water, and once you hear it, you'll never think of water the same way again."
”Really?” Little Water waited to hear more.
Sister Sugar laughed and continued. "It's a known fact that sugar loves water. Whenever any sugar meets any water, we can't help but become a part of you. So we sugar have lots of stories about water like you.
“In the beginning, all water falls from the sky, where the angels live. In some places, water turns to rain; in others, water turns to snow. Wherever you land, you join other water to become a stream or a river. And then you travel. Your journey starts from the highest mountains where Brother Butter comes from. You flow by the farm where the wheat for Mr. Flour grows; you flow by the barn where Big Egg was born; you even flow into the earth where the plants that create me grow.
"When you finish your journey, you flow in to the ocean and meet even more creatures, thousands and thousands of them, of all species and sizes. And when the sun shines, water from all over the world turns to vapor and rises up to the air. You get together with other water vapour to become beautiful white clouds that hang in the sky like lace curtains. And when the times comes to visit us again, again you fall gently to earth as snow or rain, and if we are very lucky, you may draw a beautiful rainbow upon the sky as you fall.”
Little Water listened to this story in wonder. Sister Sugar face glowed at the beauty of this story, and at the end, she cried in a voice strong and clear, “See how wonderful and unique you are Little Water!"
“Is this story true, Sister Sugar?" Little Water asked in amazement. "Am I really so special?”
“Every word, Little Water. None of us can compare to what you have seen, what you have touched, what you have been a part of. But, Little Water, listen to me." Here Sister Sugar sat down next to Little Water and began to speak seriously.
"I want you to understand something very important. No matter how special and unique you are, in the end it doesn't matter who you are or where you are from. Look at what happened today. Every one of us is special and unique in their own way. But if we cannot work together, we cannot become the dough for a wonderful loaf of bread or the batter for a delicious cake. If we stand alone, we remain individual ingredients on a table, our potential unrealized. Alone, how can we bring happiness to those people outside?
"We can't do it on our own, can we, Little Water?" He nodded silently. "But if we work together, if we embrace each other with open arms, that's when our unique qualities can emerge, together and as one. That's how we achieve our true value. That's how we transform ourselves into the most wonderful bread in all of Paris."
“So, Little Water, now do you see?" Sister Sugar offered her hand. "You are the most special of all of us. Would you like to be special by yourself? Or would you like to join us and help us become the most delicious loaf of bread this baker has ever made?"
Sister Sugar's eyes smiled with warmth and encouragement. Little Water thought of all the people standing in line. He saw how happy he could help make them, and he began to understand how the master baker felt when he watched his bread bring smiles to their faces.
It's nice to be recognized, Little Water thought, but it seems that it is far more rewarding to bring happiness to other people.
"I don't mind what people think of me anymore," Little Water realized out loud. "I just want to do my part to bring happiness to those people outside. If we work together, we can still do it!"
Sister Sugar laughed and said ”That’s brilliant! If we move fast, maybe we can make it in time! Let’s go talk to the others.”
Hand in hand, Sister Sugar and Little Water approached the other ingredients. After hearing their story, Mr. Flour began to feel ashamed at his earlier prideful attitude. Coughing loudly a few times, he finally spoke up, but in a quiet and newly humble voice.
"Little Water, you have put me to shame. I... I want to apologize for my behavior all these years. Those beautiful wheat fields... well, never mind about all that. What's important is that we work together. I won't mention them ever again."
Brother Butter thought about his own behavior and felt ashamed as well. "Now I realize that you're the most special and important of all, Little Water. But nothing is more special or important as just working together."
"Hmmph!" Big Egg felt he was the worst of all, but he was a little rusty at making apologies. "Well, Little Water, I supposed it's natural for a big egg to make big mistakes. I have learned my lesson.” Lady Yeast nudged him hard in the side. "My sincerest apologies," Big Egg quickly added.
"Together, now, quick! The baker is back!" Sister Sugar cried. The master baker had returned to put the ingredients away. Little Water held his arms out to Mr. Flour and they finally joined together.
As the baker picked up his mixing bowl, he noticed that the flour had begun to be absorbed into the water. "Hmmm..." he said to himself, and he picked up a mixing spoon and tried mixing the dough. This time, instead of the flour and water remaining separate, they mixed very well together. Excitedly, he continued with the other ingredients. Everything worked as well as before, maybe even better.
The master baker looked outside at the line of people. Some of them had already begun to leave. He rushed outside, putting his baker's hat back on his head.
"Stop! We are open for business!" he commanded. A loud cheer rose from the crowd and the ones who were starting to leave quickly rushed back into line.
"But," the master baker added, "there will be some delay. I thank you for your patience."
Even though it was too late to finish the bread in time for lunch hour, the master baker knew he could have it ready by dinner time. During the rest of the lunch hour, the master baker worked furiously to mix the dough, while his clerk got the names and numbers of every person in line. When the bread was finished, each of them would get a call, and they could come and pick up their freshly baked bread. And the master baker would be able to see those smiles he loved so much.
With great passion, the master baker swore a solemn oath to his customers. "Even though the bread is a little late today, I promise you that it will be the most delicious bread that I have every made." Little Water, Sister Sugar, and the others heard this promise, and they, too, promised to do their very best to help the master baker in his mission.
And you know what? People still say talk about the bread that the bakery on Saint Charles Street baked that evening. They say that of all the bread they ever tried from the bakery on Saint Charles Street, none was ever as sweet, as tasty, as fluffy, or as healthy, as the bread from that day.
This story is created by Oliver Wang and Richard Hsia.
We are looking for a publisher who can help us to publish this lovely story.
It's good for parents and children. It's also very interesting for adults.
If you have interest to publish it, please leave your message. Thank you.
It’s a curious and wonderful thing when someone bites into a piece of bread from the bakery on Saint Charles Street. A smile forms on their face and happiness begins to fill their entire being. The master baker so enjoys watching these smiles form that lunch hour has become his most favorite time of the day.
You can hear people chatting happily about the bread as they wait in line.
“They use the very best flour in France. It’s made from a special variety of wheat that can only be found in one place - a tiny, secret field that only twelve people know about in the whole world..”
“You know, their eggs come from a very famous farm that only sells to a very exclusive clientele. On this farm, the chickens are allowed to roam freely and are raised on an all-natural diet of organic feed. So these eggs grow much larger - 20% larger than normal eggs - and the yolk is almost the same color as pure gold.”
“Do you know why their butter is so creamy and rich? It's made from milk that comes from a special farm in the mountains, where the cows are raised on fresh apples and listen to Mozart every day!”
“The baker doesn't use ordinary yeast - he prefers special type that you won't find in any store. Not only does it give the bread a unique fluffy texture, it also helps strengthen your body's natural defenses against sickness. In fact, in some cultures, this yeast has been used as a traditional medicine for many generations."
“You know what I heard? The sugar is a special type that comes from a rare and delicate plant. It’s said that this plant naturally produces a very pure form of sugar, the most perfect sugar in the world.”
As customers rave excitedly about the bakery, their words also reach the ingredients themselves. Every morning, these ingredients wait in the kitchen for the master baker to mix up his next batch of bread, and as they wait, they hear the words of praise and wonder from people outside. It has caused many of the ingredients to become quite vain, and they often interrupt each other with their own words of praise for themselves.
Smug and haughty, Mr. Flour likes to remind people of where he comes from.
Proud Lady Yeast feels she is the most unique and special because of her long history.
Brother Butter looks down on the others for not being as cultured as he.
Being bigger than everyone else has made Big Egg very arrogant and rude.
Unlike the others, wise Sister Sugar doesn't join the boasting. She's perfectly aware of how special she is, but she doesn’t make a big deal about it.
And then there's Little Water.
While everyone around him seems to have impressive backgrounds, Little Water doesn’t know anything about where he is from. The only thing he knows is that he came from the faucet, just like the water that the master baker uses for washing his hands and mopping the floor. As the other ingredients boast and brag, it reminds Little Water that he's not special at all, and it makes him feel ashamed of himself.
Finally, one day, as the master baker began making preparations for the day's rolls, croissants, and pastries, Mr. Flour started talking again about how lovely the air was at the wheat field where he originally came from. As usual, Lady Yeast and Big Egg also joined in with their own elaborate boasts. But this time, Little Water felt that he had enough.
“Compared to everyone else, I’m just a nobody. No one says anything nice to say about little old me. So I must not be very important. In fact, I don’t think I even deserve to work with these big shots.”
So Little Water folded his arms and held them tight against his chest. And when the master baker began pouring water into the flour to make the dough, Little Water kept his hands folded to himself instead of holding them out to Mr. Flour as usual.
No matter how hard the master baker tried, he just couldn’t get the flour and water to mix. “What is going on?” the master baker wondered. He tried adding more flour. He tried adding more water. He mixed with one spoon, two spoons, a big spoon, a fork, a power mixer, his fingers, even the rolling pin. Nothing worked.
Mr. Flour grew frustrated and started yelling at Little Water. “What is the matter with you? You need to stop fooling around and get to work! Hold your arms out now so we can mix together!”
Big Egg also started in. “Hey, pipsqueak, listen to the man. I’m next in line. You better get going or I’m going to miss my big entrance! Don’t keep me waiting, you hear?”
It wasn't long before Lady Yeast began to get concerned as well. “Little Water, is something wrong with you? Are you sick? Why don’t you work with Mr. Flour?"
Soon, it seemed that everyone was upset and blaming Little Water for the trouble. Only Sister Sugar remained calm, quietly observing.
Just like that, the morning was over and it was almost lunchtime. But the master baker didn't have any bread to sell, because he wasn't able to make any dough. He couldn't make any dough because he couldn't mix the flour and the water. Was it because he was getting old? The master baker didn't know. But he knew that today, there would be no bread for the customers standing in line at the bakery at Saint Charles Street. And that meant that he wouldn't get to see those lovely smiles forming on all those faces. There would be no smiles today.
Not knowing what else to do, the master baker finally hung up his baker's hat and told the clerk to hang a sign on the door saying "Closed for business". The customers standing outside of the bakery watched this in shock. No one knew what to think.
"What's taking so long?"
"Why isn't the bakery open yet?"
"Where's the baker? Is he sick?"
"Is the bakery going out of business?"
"Will the bakery be open tomorrow?"
Mr. Flour, Lady Yeast, and the others also watched in shock. In their lifetime, they never saw the bakery closed for business during lunch. "I don't believe it. This can't be happening!" wailed Lady Yeast.
Little Water didn't mean for this to happen. When he saw the sad look on the master baker's face, Little Water was filled with regret and sorrow at what he had done. For a moment, he thought maybe he was wrong to be so uncooperative. Maybe he should have just opened his arms as usual and not cause everyone so much trouble.
But then Little Water remembered how arrogant everyone had been, and how none of them ever treated him with any respect or dignity. This made Little Water feel stubborn and bitter, and so he kept his arms crossed and acted like he didn't care at all that the bakery was closing.
"Why should I care?" Little Water said to himself. "No one cares about me."
Just then, he heard the sound of someone approaching. It was Sister Sugar. "Little Water?" she asked gently. "What's wrong? Are you feeling all right?"
Little Water turned to face Sister Sugar. Her eyes were kind, and her voice warm and caring. Suddenly, it was too much for Little Water to bear. He burst into tears. And it all came out in a rush.
“Well, I keep hearing everyone always talking about how great you guys are. You guys are all so special and important. But I'm just water that comes from the kitchen faucet. I'm nothing, a nobody! Did you ever hear anyone say anything about how special the water is? Never! No one ever notices me, no one ever cares!" Little Water looked down, his eyes wet with tears.
"Go on," Sister Sugar said after a moment.
Still looking at the ground, Little Water finally spoke again. "I'm just not worthy to work with you guys."
For a moment, Sister Sugar was silent. Then she started chuckling softly, then a little more loudly, until she was laughing out loud. When she saw the hurt look on Little Water's face, she quickly stopped laughing, but her eyes still twinkled with amusement.
"I'm so sorry, Little Water, but until today, I did not realize that you really had no idea of how important you are. Isn't it obvious?" Little Water shook his head no, and Sister Sugar continued.
"See, Little Water, if Big Egg refuses to work, we can always use normal eggs. If Lady Yeast goes missing, we can find other yeast. But without you, Little Water, there's nothing we can do. Without you, we can't make the dough at all."
This was true, Little Water realized. But it didn't make him feel much better. "Sure, everyone needs me, but there's nothing special about me," he said. "I'm just water from the faucet."
Sister Sugar patted Little Water on the shoulder. "You really don't know how special you are, do you? Well I know an interesting story about water, and once you hear it, you'll never think of water the same way again."
”Really?” Little Water waited to hear more.
Sister Sugar laughed and continued. "It's a known fact that sugar loves water. Whenever any sugar meets any water, we can't help but become a part of you. So we sugar have lots of stories about water like you.
“In the beginning, all water falls from the sky, where the angels live. In some places, water turns to rain; in others, water turns to snow. Wherever you land, you join other water to become a stream or a river. And then you travel. Your journey starts from the highest mountains where Brother Butter comes from. You flow by the farm where the wheat for Mr. Flour grows; you flow by the barn where Big Egg was born; you even flow into the earth where the plants that create me grow.
"When you finish your journey, you flow in to the ocean and meet even more creatures, thousands and thousands of them, of all species and sizes. And when the sun shines, water from all over the world turns to vapor and rises up to the air. You get together with other water vapour to become beautiful white clouds that hang in the sky like lace curtains. And when the times comes to visit us again, again you fall gently to earth as snow or rain, and if we are very lucky, you may draw a beautiful rainbow upon the sky as you fall.”
Little Water listened to this story in wonder. Sister Sugar face glowed at the beauty of this story, and at the end, she cried in a voice strong and clear, “See how wonderful and unique you are Little Water!"
“Is this story true, Sister Sugar?" Little Water asked in amazement. "Am I really so special?”
“Every word, Little Water. None of us can compare to what you have seen, what you have touched, what you have been a part of. But, Little Water, listen to me." Here Sister Sugar sat down next to Little Water and began to speak seriously.
"I want you to understand something very important. No matter how special and unique you are, in the end it doesn't matter who you are or where you are from. Look at what happened today. Every one of us is special and unique in their own way. But if we cannot work together, we cannot become the dough for a wonderful loaf of bread or the batter for a delicious cake. If we stand alone, we remain individual ingredients on a table, our potential unrealized. Alone, how can we bring happiness to those people outside?
"We can't do it on our own, can we, Little Water?" He nodded silently. "But if we work together, if we embrace each other with open arms, that's when our unique qualities can emerge, together and as one. That's how we achieve our true value. That's how we transform ourselves into the most wonderful bread in all of Paris."
“So, Little Water, now do you see?" Sister Sugar offered her hand. "You are the most special of all of us. Would you like to be special by yourself? Or would you like to join us and help us become the most delicious loaf of bread this baker has ever made?"
Sister Sugar's eyes smiled with warmth and encouragement. Little Water thought of all the people standing in line. He saw how happy he could help make them, and he began to understand how the master baker felt when he watched his bread bring smiles to their faces.
It's nice to be recognized, Little Water thought, but it seems that it is far more rewarding to bring happiness to other people.
"I don't mind what people think of me anymore," Little Water realized out loud. "I just want to do my part to bring happiness to those people outside. If we work together, we can still do it!"
Sister Sugar laughed and said ”That’s brilliant! If we move fast, maybe we can make it in time! Let’s go talk to the others.”
Hand in hand, Sister Sugar and Little Water approached the other ingredients. After hearing their story, Mr. Flour began to feel ashamed at his earlier prideful attitude. Coughing loudly a few times, he finally spoke up, but in a quiet and newly humble voice.
"Little Water, you have put me to shame. I... I want to apologize for my behavior all these years. Those beautiful wheat fields... well, never mind about all that. What's important is that we work together. I won't mention them ever again."
Brother Butter thought about his own behavior and felt ashamed as well. "Now I realize that you're the most special and important of all, Little Water. But nothing is more special or important as just working together."
"Hmmph!" Big Egg felt he was the worst of all, but he was a little rusty at making apologies. "Well, Little Water, I supposed it's natural for a big egg to make big mistakes. I have learned my lesson.” Lady Yeast nudged him hard in the side. "My sincerest apologies," Big Egg quickly added.
"Together, now, quick! The baker is back!" Sister Sugar cried. The master baker had returned to put the ingredients away. Little Water held his arms out to Mr. Flour and they finally joined together.
As the baker picked up his mixing bowl, he noticed that the flour had begun to be absorbed into the water. "Hmmm..." he said to himself, and he picked up a mixing spoon and tried mixing the dough. This time, instead of the flour and water remaining separate, they mixed very well together. Excitedly, he continued with the other ingredients. Everything worked as well as before, maybe even better.
The master baker looked outside at the line of people. Some of them had already begun to leave. He rushed outside, putting his baker's hat back on his head.
"Stop! We are open for business!" he commanded. A loud cheer rose from the crowd and the ones who were starting to leave quickly rushed back into line.
"But," the master baker added, "there will be some delay. I thank you for your patience."
Even though it was too late to finish the bread in time for lunch hour, the master baker knew he could have it ready by dinner time. During the rest of the lunch hour, the master baker worked furiously to mix the dough, while his clerk got the names and numbers of every person in line. When the bread was finished, each of them would get a call, and they could come and pick up their freshly baked bread. And the master baker would be able to see those smiles he loved so much.
With great passion, the master baker swore a solemn oath to his customers. "Even though the bread is a little late today, I promise you that it will be the most delicious bread that I have every made." Little Water, Sister Sugar, and the others heard this promise, and they, too, promised to do their very best to help the master baker in his mission.
And you know what? People still say talk about the bread that the bakery on Saint Charles Street baked that evening. They say that of all the bread they ever tried from the bakery on Saint Charles Street, none was ever as sweet, as tasty, as fluffy, or as healthy, as the bread from that day.
This story is created by Oliver Wang and Richard Hsia.
We are looking for a publisher who can help us to publish this lovely story.
It's good for parents and children. It's also very interesting for adults.
If you have interest to publish it, please leave your message. Thank you.
2 Jan 2011
我們的關係 其實時間都很短
有些人 在我們生命中 進進出出
有些人 在我們生命中 不再相遇
日文有一句成語 叫做一期一會
許多人在我們生命中 可能就出現一下子
或許這輩子 再也不能相見
可能是他的一句話 一個眼神 或一個動作
對我們的生命 留下許多重大的影響
因此 珍惜當下的緣分
百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠
很有可能 為了這次相遇 我們已經等待了許多許多世的輪迴
很有可能 只是為了一個道歉 甚至 只是為了一句感謝
我們再上次 沒有說出口 所以尋尋覓覓 來到這裡
生命看似很長遠 反正還很久 所以不珍惜
放縱著性子 去任意的消耗彼此的關係
只有當要離去了 才又開始捨不得
才開始惋惜 才開始後悔 才開始懷念
跟身邊的人 好好的相處
不論他是誰 要珍惜 要愛他們
我們可以仍是相愛的 互相支持的
如果明天我就要死去 今天我將怎麼活下去
我知道 我將用我全部的力量 去愛人
那些曾經傷害我的人 我早就不在乎了
那些世俗標準 我更不再放在心上
我會全力的燃燒自己生命去愛人 直到最後一刻
我會愛我身邊的人 出現在我生命中的每個人
有些人 在我們生命中 進進出出
有些人 在我們生命中 不再相遇
日文有一句成語 叫做一期一會
許多人在我們生命中 可能就出現一下子
或許這輩子 再也不能相見
可能是他的一句話 一個眼神 或一個動作
對我們的生命 留下許多重大的影響
因此 珍惜當下的緣分
百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠
很有可能 為了這次相遇 我們已經等待了許多許多世的輪迴
很有可能 只是為了一個道歉 甚至 只是為了一句感謝
我們再上次 沒有說出口 所以尋尋覓覓 來到這裡
生命看似很長遠 反正還很久 所以不珍惜
放縱著性子 去任意的消耗彼此的關係
只有當要離去了 才又開始捨不得
才開始惋惜 才開始後悔 才開始懷念
跟身邊的人 好好的相處
不論他是誰 要珍惜 要愛他們
我們可以仍是相愛的 互相支持的
如果明天我就要死去 今天我將怎麼活下去
我知道 我將用我全部的力量 去愛人
那些曾經傷害我的人 我早就不在乎了
那些世俗標準 我更不再放在心上
我會全力的燃燒自己生命去愛人 直到最後一刻
我會愛我身邊的人 出現在我生命中的每個人
有許多靈魂 為了要幫助我們體驗我們自己
可是我們不知道 原來 他們曾經都是我們最深愛的人
因為愛我們 所以承諾來這世界陪我們走這一遭
為了幫助我們 所以犧牲自己 來演出讓我們很不舒服的人
那麼 我們怎麼忍心臭罵那些讓我們不舒服的人 他們都是經過我們允許來成就我們的
我們怎麼可以再任意讓自己的脾氣發作 讓這些靈魂傷心
陪我們走這一遭的靈魂很多 甚至有些靈魂 陪我們走了許多遭
在這一世中 我們的關係很多 有父母 同學 朋友 戀人 夫妻 兒女 同事 上司 客戶
陪我們走一遭的人這麼多 問題在於 我們是否認出了他們
所以才會讓我們感到難過 我們是否可以在這次 好好的對待他們
珍惜這段得來不易的緣分 感謝他成就我們的決心
每個人都值得被愛 每個人都值得我們關懷
因為曾經在許多許多世以前 我們跟他們都是在一起的
今天是父母子女 明天是親密愛人 後天是不共戴天的仇人
去看前世今生 重點不在於他們是誰
重點在於看出 這生生世世的轉換 生生世世的陪伴
我們在這一次再來 能不能善待對方
因為那些讓我們不舒服的人 不管是公家機關 或是上司主管 或是路人甲乙丙丁
真心的祝福他們 謝謝他們來到我們生命中 扮演這麼難為的角色
說真的 有誰願意扮演討人厭的上司
所以感謝那些靈魂的承諾 祝福他們生命變得圓滿
不要批評他們 不要責怪他們 不要攻擊他們
因為批評 責怪 攻擊 受傷的都不是他們 都是自己
在我們身上有這些特質 我們才看得見這些問題
所以 不只要願意寬恕他們 更要願意祝福他們
因為只有祝福的力量 才有機會讓彼此的關係變得更好
我願大家 每天都平安喜樂
因為我們 本來就是受到祝福而來的
有許多靈魂 為了要幫助我們體驗我們自己
可是我們不知道 原來 他們曾經都是我們最深愛的人
因為愛我們 所以承諾來這世界陪我們走這一遭
為了幫助我們 所以犧牲自己 來演出讓我們很不舒服的人
那麼 我們怎麼忍心臭罵那些讓我們不舒服的人 他們都是經過我們允許來成就我們的
我們怎麼可以再任意讓自己的脾氣發作 讓這些靈魂傷心
陪我們走這一遭的靈魂很多 甚至有些靈魂 陪我們走了許多遭
在這一世中 我們的關係很多 有父母 同學 朋友 戀人 夫妻 兒女 同事 上司 客戶
陪我們走一遭的人這麼多 問題在於 我們是否認出了他們
所以才會讓我們感到難過 我們是否可以在這次 好好的對待他們
珍惜這段得來不易的緣分 感謝他成就我們的決心
每個人都值得被愛 每個人都值得我們關懷
因為曾經在許多許多世以前 我們跟他們都是在一起的
今天是父母子女 明天是親密愛人 後天是不共戴天的仇人
去看前世今生 重點不在於他們是誰
重點在於看出 這生生世世的轉換 生生世世的陪伴
我們在這一次再來 能不能善待對方
因為那些讓我們不舒服的人 不管是公家機關 或是上司主管 或是路人甲乙丙丁
真心的祝福他們 謝謝他們來到我們生命中 扮演這麼難為的角色
說真的 有誰願意扮演討人厭的上司
所以感謝那些靈魂的承諾 祝福他們生命變得圓滿
不要批評他們 不要責怪他們 不要攻擊他們
因為批評 責怪 攻擊 受傷的都不是他們 都是自己
在我們身上有這些特質 我們才看得見這些問題
所以 不只要願意寬恕他們 更要願意祝福他們
因為只有祝福的力量 才有機會讓彼此的關係變得更好
我願大家 每天都平安喜樂
因為我們 本來就是受到祝福而來的
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