I work whole day with jet-leg, the day becomes very long. :-)
Last night, we went to play rocketball and Charles said if I work out very hard then it can help me to sleep well. But, I still woke up at 3AM and cannot sleep again. I kept awake till 6AM to call my family and then I went out to practice Taichi for a while. Then I had my breakfast very fast together with Yuki and Charles.
Today is my first day to go into office. Judy prepares a whole day orientation to show me all the detail of MUS office and life in the California. I need to encourage myself to hang in there in case I fall into asleep.
Lunch time, Ben invited Fernando and me to a Japanese restaurant. That's really funny that Ben told me Korean runs Japanese restaurant and most
of Chinese restaurants are Mexican. The food there is still very good or it just because I was hungry?
The meeting in the afternoon is even hard to survive and I am glad that I won!! But now, I am really really very tired. On the way back to Charles' house, I could even not to keep myself awake. But I know, I need to hold it till 11PM. Then I can get away from the jet-leg as soon as possible.
Judy told me, my apartment will be ready tomorrow. I can see it tomorrow. But since the internet connection is not ready yet, I will keep on staying in Charles' place till Wednesday.